

Asset Collections provide a robust method for managing assets and collaborating with other users. Collections can be private to a user or can be shared within a user group.

Asset Collection JSON Format

Asset Collection has the below JSON structure.

  "id": 21,
  "user_id": 45,
  "name": "My Collection",
  "description": "An example description",
  "last_update": "2022-01-24T09:11:05Z",
  "assets": ["3b5123160c474720931292c33eb46c52"],
  "group_access": false,
  "user_name": "John Doe",
  "user_email": "",
  "extended_result": {}
idintegerCollection ID
namestringCollection name
descriptionstringCollection description
last_updatedateWhen the collection was updated last, ISO 8601 datetime value
assetsJSONList of asset IDs
group_accessbooleantrue if assets can be accessed by other users in the user group, false otherwise
user_idintegerCollection creator ID
user_namestringCollection creator name
user_emailemailCollection creator email
extended_resultJSONLike {"ASSET_ID": ASSET_JSON} } where ASSET_JSON is in the standard Asset JSON format