In order to use a signed URL that provides URL expiry and security, you must generate the URL by setting an expiry and signing the URL using your FileSpin API_KEY and Access Id.
Besides the File Id and the transcode type (such as 480p-video.mp4), you'll need the below:-
Parameter | Type | Description |
API Key | string | Your API Key. This is available in your Authorization Settings page. |
EXPIRY | integer | Seconds since Unix Epoch time. |
ACCESS_ID | string | Access Id that must be used to sign URLs. You can obtain your account's Access Id from the Authorization Settings page. |
The signing process is as below (see code samples to the right):-
- Take the URL part staring with the FILE_ID and add an expiry in seconds since Epoch time and your Access Id, like
- Using your API Key and the above URL part as the string-to-sign, calculate the HMAC signature
- Encode the signature to a base64 string and append as signature query parameter value
Note that the URL parameter values must be url-encoded otherwise FileSpin may return a authorization error.
Example of a signed video URL
Code example in php
$api_key = '678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857'
$string_to_sign = 'f99255d2bf8142b29561641491e9940c/transcodes/480p-video.mp4?expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT'
$signature = urlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $string_to_sign, $api_key, true)));
$signed_url = '<<CDN_HOST>>/api/v1/assets/'.$string_to_sign.'&signature='.$signature
Code example in python
import base64, hmac, hashlib, urllib
from six import text_type, b
API_KEY = '678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857'
string_to_sign = 'f99255d2bf8142b29561641491e9940c/transcodes/480p-video.mp4?expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT'
signature = urllib.quote_plus(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(, text_type(string_to_sign).encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha1).digest()))
signed_url = '%s%s&signature=%s' % ('<<CDN_HOST>>/api/v1/assets/',string_to_sign,signature)
Code example in java
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
String api_key = "678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857";
String string_to_sign = "f99255d2bf8142b29561641491e9940c/transcodes/480p-video.mp4?expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT";
SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
byte[] hmac = mac.doFinal(string_to_sign.getBytes());
String signature = Encoding.EncodeBase64(hmac);
String signed_url = "<<CDN_HOST>>/api/v1/assets/" + string_to_sign + "&signature=" + signature;
Code example in nodejs
const crypto = require("crypto");
const API_KEY = "0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac";
const string_to_sign =
const hash = crypto
.createHmac("sha1", API_KEY)
const signature = encodeURIComponent(hash.replaceAll("/", "_"));
const signed_url = `<<CDN_HOST>>/api/v1/assets/${string_to_sign}&signature=${signature}`;